
cloud renders.

Simple, powerful and reliable, Cubr brings the near-unlimited power of the cloud right into Blender.

Menu Menu Render

How it Works

Cubr reimagines the way a render farm should work.
Zero hassle, just speed.

Save your file

Cubr incrementally uploads your blend file as you save it, so your project is always ready to render in seconds.


Launch a render

Use Blender's native controls to configure the render settings, then launch it with one click.

View the result

The frame appears in Blender's image editor seconds later.

Built to save you time.

And money. And occasionally your bacon.

Boost productivity

Seamlessly offload heavy rendering work to the cloud, freeing you up to keep iterating, refining and perfecting.

No more deadline panic

Plug in to planet-scale power and render large animations in minutes, not days.

Cost effective

Forget expensive workstations or in-house farms, with Cubr you only pay for exactly what you use.

No virtual desktops.
No hardware to configure.

Install the addon, click render. It just works.

Key Features


Cubr intelligently syncs only the most recent changes to a file, so you don't have to wait.


Keep an eye on your render's progress from anywhere with a real-time dashboard.


Coming Soon

Split frames across multiple GPUs to crush through even the most demanding scenes.

Supercharge your renders today.